Sunday, June 24, 2012

DaysAsTamhidian :)

Kolej Kediaman Nilam Court. 
Kawan2 , this is where im living now :) Somewhere in Nilai. Ni view around 6pm something.,, tengah jogging and suddenly teringat tak pernah amek gmbar tempat tinggal ni. Hihik >.< I've met amazing people here, and of course.. antaranya adalah my amazing housemates :D

During class , With Dir Ratna Adilla. a maniac. Kelantanese.
Kuat tak aku ? Muahaha

Qila @ Kechik , Dir @ Ratna, Fina , and Aisha,

Together , we are complete. Comel lah dorang ni, satu kepala.. Sengal sangat2.  Rasa rindu kat rumah tu ilang lah jugak . Hihik ( tapi kalau dibagi pilihan , still nak rumah lahh )
We had a lot of fun together. Birthday Party , etc :D Kek , aku lah yg buat. Hihik 

Hani Khaliesah birthday. 
Gambar Hani aku takdelah ,but enuf  to said that dia ni macam kembar aku dah. Dia lah geng tido aku. haha, orang lain study , aku tido... dia pun tido.. orang lain dah bangun ,aku still tidur, dia pun still tidur. 
She's adorable. :)
Nanti aku cerita lagi kayhh :)
tata sayang2 !

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Days as Budak Tamhidi ( Asasi )

There area  lot of pictures that would be the best to describe my days.. Which i'll have them uploaded later due to the "FAST" internet access.. Just one thing i would like to share.

" Erm... I think, I have fallen for someone. Jadi Ya Allah, permudahkan lah ini untukku. "

Bila pagi2 lagi dah nampak dia, wah berbunga hati.. >.<