Monday, July 30, 2012

The Journey #Random Post

Dari Kecik :D 

Teka lah mana aku XD
Last Friday i had mid sem exam, Mid Sem Beb. Dah mid Sem dah. Cehh, tua dah aku rupenye =.=

Thursday - Biology paper *Strock. Then, Chemistry*Pengsan
Friday - Physics*Semput. Tak Cukup tu., Math*Murder Me. Quran Hadis*ImmaSniper.
Enough to said, The Papers did a great job, just like " Kill Birds with papers" . Well Done.
Erk. Salah peribahasa.

Come to think about , how on earth im gonna pay my parents.
My Journey is long enough and still wishing for more.
I was born somewhere in KL, grew up for 2 years and then live my life all over the world..
And yeah , finally around 8 years old, klang bcme my current hometown.

Although i know im not good enough but i still refuse to study hard from the beginning . 
Play Hard, Sleep Hard, Study =..= But hey, i Answered all the papers hardly kayh
 HAHA -..-'
Case closed.

when i was 1.5 or 2 .. kot ? 

Teringat masa kecik2 dulu. Masa kat sarawak, duduk main atas pokok, main basikal. Selalu gaduh dengan adik beradik. Gelakkan ayah yang first time masak kek waktu ibu baru bersalin sebab ktorang demand nak kek. I was 4 at that time and surely i don't understand it when a husband cooks for his wife. i mean , baked ? Haha, sumpah comel. 

By the way, apa kaitan tiba2 cerita dulu2 and cerita midsem ni ? Well peeps, it's one of my Random posts. So yeah, it's likely " Hey kesahlah blog ". :p

Topik malam ni nak biar sensitif sikit lah. Haha it's about the past, the present., and of course , the future.
Most likely i will type as.. im aina, i talk alot, spontaneously. you cant expect me to have a list of what im gonna write by the way =..='

Okay, The Future.
One thing that come across my mind is, to have a family.
I would like to have manyyyy children, and yeah of course an understanding husband.
It's hard to list down what you really want /looking for in ur future husband,
but wait, isn't likely you are being tooo demanding if you have the list
 " 100 things that my husband Wajib Have before Nikah"
" Husband-Must be an angel or you will live like Hell "

just if you are stupid enough, you will be looking for these books in mph store nearby. Totally absurd =..='
Huh,..Life is not that fantastically dramatic. It's wayy more realistic.
In my perspective of view, a relationship means to accept the weaknesses of one and get fascinated by it.
If you are proud of his advantages, and you like him just because of that, bloody hell what will happen when he shows a totally ridiculous side of him that you would never ever imagine ?
For boys or girls, sama je . Hee,
Masa kau tido, muka dia punyalah bersih, ecece baru lepas solat malam kan.... Nanti esok bangun , haa amek kau.. Si dia dengan air liur basi lah , dengan rambut serabai nye lah , dengan make up tak bersih nye lah.. dengan taik mata nye lah..
Jangan time tu baru nak opocot, kenapa dulu kau tak begini...~

So, to my dear husband, please.. do take care of me and our family. Please accept me just the way i am. i might not be perfect and im not trying to be. but , allah told us to keep improving ourselves with him in our intention. I'm not a hypocrite, and im sorry that im brutally honest, i live the way who i am , internally and externally. i want the world to know who i am, not how good i am. baby, this is me. By the way, You are great just the way you are. Whoever you are, wherever you are, remember allah and let's live till his Jannah :)

The present.
Not seeing anyone...yet ? :P LOL
Kesah ape aku single. Tapi aku sedang bercinta. with him , who will never ever leave me. Pimpin aku Ya Allah :)
I have great friends. Of course , the girls and the boys. I know "She" didn't like me being extremely peramah, but It's not a behaviour, it's more to natural personality of me.
it's just so me. Even my brother didnt like me being too talkative.. But abang, thats what im doing to keep living. I connect with people. Daa ~
( Dia memang takkan pernah baca blog ni so yeah , ^.^ )
To , Aishah Balkis, Hajar Hafizah, Sima Nabiha, Qeela Aziz, Dania Darwin, Maryam Nadiah, Aqila Kamaruddin, Hani Khaliesah, Dir Adilla, Hannan Safari, Afina Hidayah, Halimatul Azna, Asyraff Zulkifli, Shahrul Akmal, Ahmad Ismail, Iqbal Fauzi, Ismat Jaafar, Putra Mahiruddin, and yang lain2 yang tak sempat nak tulis nama ni..Thanks for being such a lovely and loyal friend ^.^

The past. 
The past is past. I dont give a damn to people who keep bragging about the past. Rasa macam nak bagi makan siku.
Nah, hayya hayya hayyya. heyyyaaaaaaaak ! (KARATEDO)*Bila masa ntah aku belajar

I want to make this my upcoming fb dp >.< I cant wait to see  my cousins reactions when this is exposed. Hihihi
I know i look....a bit outstanding in the picta.. but one thing i can conclude for you guys,
Dulu, kini, Selamanya, Tiada yang lain dariku, Cuma perubahan yang lebih baik dalam persiapan menghadapi DIA Yang Maha Esa Nanti. Wallahualam. Moga Allah Redha ! :D

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ena Si Noob - Tak Cool Enough

Situation Satu - Looking for towel to be wash... Satu rumah aku carik... Habis bersepah dibuatnya... Bengang sambil berkata " Mana lah pulak towel niii " sambil garu kepala. And, there. Towel Berbalut kat kepala. =.= Perasaan..berkecamuk .

Situation Dua - Me and my fren Emma. Waiting for the lift. Patiently....~ Ting. Sampai ! Lif pun terbuka...Ramai orang.. Ada satu, dua..empat orang. Aku pun masuk. tekan G - Ground Floor. Lift tutup. Baru sedar something. Monolog Dalaman " Eh , mana Emma ?? " Pandang orang depan, orang sebelah dia..kiri kanan dia.belakang dia.. Emma Tertinggal ke ? then seraya berkata : " Nampak Emma tak ? Kawan kita yang tadi ? " Jap lagi Emma bersuara, " Woi , aku sebelah kau lah ! " Pandang kiri.. Erk. Sumpah Frust. Malu =.=

Situation Tiga - Tercarik2 mana kunci loker .... Bukak beg, tengok atas meja...bakul sampah..atas katil. Dan frust .. lagi. Haihhh,,. Mana aku letak niii !! -..- Tanya Kawan " Wei nampak kunci loker aku ? " Sambil tunjuk ke arah loker... and there, i'm holding it. Ya Allah. Cukup Noob hambamu ini =.=

Hacchum. (*Malu ) Im Home. :) 

Im a Student of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

15 July - Tarikh Keramat :)

Tukang Mengutuk Aku Satu Hari - Abang yang sengal. Carik lah entry pasal dia.. :3  One of top entries XD

Tukang Kira Duit Tadi - Cousin paling Cool, Adam Lambert ^.^

Hai people ! 15 july tarikh keramat sebab finally , i own a Dslr ^^. Canon Eos 600d :3
Suka nya hatiiiii ~ Tapi, tak suka fact yang poket mula kering -.-

After Terserempak dengan mereka2 ini di KL Sentral, Setelah saya tertinggal bas -.-
Kami pun pi la ke Pikom Pc Fair KLCC :)
Then, A history is made between me and my Popo ( New Name for my camera ) haha .

eating KFC >.< Mahal gila -..-

Cewek Pingitan, Ima ( Fatima )

Meeting Kembar , Tengku Adrina ^^
A damn realy tiring day -.- Nasib beli cam, kalau tak 0.0

Sampai je Nilam Court. ( KKNC ) Berlagu2 lagu tekak aku nak air. 
and dengan rakusnya, terus gulp air.. macam hani . hahaha

Meet my new kembar, Hani Khaliesah :)