Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I seriously need to add up some flair and flavor to my writing and speaking ==’

Im trying to speak in English as much as I can, but it’s hard to do it here in my beloved university as most of the students here are way better and pro in Arabic language. But still, I try to persist on speak in English as I demand a band 6’s result for my Muet. However, i could see a decline curve in my speaking since I entered usim . Therefore nowadays,  I do the speaking practice with anyone who has the same level or higher level of eloquence in speaking. As they say, we lost something to gain something. And now im trying to stabilize both my English and Arabic as to polish and refine my English’s skill as that’s how I want to be, proficient in as many languages  as I can..

What I am going to convey this time is, my everyday life in usim.
 ( I’m not really at a loose end, but just that im lacking )

The campus. Kaf Kaf Nun C. 

No other word to describe this kind of life except, Boring . Haha. Yeah, have a doubt on it. Repeat that like a mantra. Boring boring boring ~ Tell my mum that and I would get a pretty hard kiss on the cheek. *Ngehehe. Wondering when is the last time she kissed me there. >.< Nahhh, She won’t kissed me, she will end up being a lecturer and talk as talkative as she can be as much as reciting 30 Juzuk Alquran. There….you can see a mother’s love :3

The most hateful thing here that could wipe away someone’s smile is that, the transportation. The buses are always been the hot topic just as like the hot coffee bun’s scent that fascinate you from afar, but this way too round than that. It kills your love for the lovely morning just like the lightning. I don’t know if this issue is like something etched in stone, but they need to do something about it as students coming up late just to know that they wasted their time waiting for the buses and line up under the bright sun. To make situation all hell broke loose, the degree’s student are now in and we shared the buses together. Someone, come up with a solution for the problem ==’

( You can tell I had THIS much of problems just with the transportation. And certainly, this boosts my determination to get a license soon ! ^^ )

Okay , I think that’s all from me. Take Care :D
 Desire's Lists :
A Car. Band 6.
More to come :DD

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