Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bring it on .

Celebrate the Eid Ul-Fitr on the Youth Day J ( Midnight Special – ICITY Post )

Friday 09 September 2011 
( long time agooo ~ ) =='

Pagi ade paper Sejarah . Both paper 1 and paper 2. I did bace buku , I did ..okay , but the thing is I only bace yang dah dispot je lah , and sume yang spot sume paper 2 sahaja , therefore, my paper 1 mostly jawapan pasrah. If , just if sejarah ni is not something yang memang dah terfaktab , I dare to tell you yang I created my own Sejarah on paper 1 tadi. Hahaha .. ( means , aku tak jawab sejarah yg dah tertulis , tapi aku buat je sejarah yang aku rase nak jadi… ade paham ? Good ! ~ )

Usai with the papers , I head on to Aisha’s house and obviously of course with her la kan.. this is due to 1) senang tukar baju kat umah dye since tonight kami ade event besar besaran which is hari belia negeri selangor yakni jamuan makan raya dekat ICITY ! and the great thing was that , kami langsung tak makan for the whole day ! Hahahahaha ! even pegi jamuan makan , tapi tak makan sebab it’s soo SSS ! you know SSS ? = Sangat Sangat Sesak . =..=’ SAKAI !

Huuu. Satu sekolah I insyallah menghadirkan diri di situ , sekolah lain pun ade. Menteri Besar Selangor pun ade sebab tak silap I , dia yang organize event ni. Poor him, mase dia bagi ucapan… no one listened to him, mostly everyone were more interested to fill in their stomach and usha hot chicks and guys XD… Safee Rahim pun ade tapi wa tak dapat nak jumpe laaa L okay , so now let the photos do the story mollie J

sorry for the bad quality , dalam camera elok je , masok computer =='

okey.. semangat ==' the peace signn ===''
me and erina :D okey i look like wtv~
bestie ^^
hajar , aisha , and me :)


lovely anna

SnoWalk ~ We masuk and played kat anowwalk tu , sangat best. ( for RM25 memang la kene best kan...) Ni nak amek pengalaman la main ais kan before study oversea… ( tgn di bahu , mata ke atas) :P baju sweater dye bagi tapi wa rase kaki wa and tangan wa macam dah hilang since sejuk sangattt . derrr… I Malas nak cerita panjang panjang sebab you all kene pegi sane sendiri baru you all boleh rase betapa joyous nye that night…

overreacted sood :)
iceman XD

sood and maryam

Mase kitorang pergi ,kiteorang naik bas sekolah , MB sponsor kot ? Tak kesah la kan.. while balik tu , I , aisha and hajar decided untuk balik sendiri .. Abang Aishah amek kiteorang.. almost midnight dah ni , he called aisha said that he’s somewhere kat tempat kuda… where it’s nowhere to be founddd !!!! Oh god. Sejam we’re looking for him. His cellphone pulak , tak payah cakap , boleh pulak habis bateri… how we are suppose to call him at time like this ?? And then buat penambah perisa, parents aku pun dah tunggu depan rumah aisha for an hour… ( aku memang patut amek lessen kereta lahhhh ) ..op kos lah ayah and ibu akan mengamuk tahap gorilla kann , tapi aku dah pasrah dah.. nak buat camane….. things were completely complicated ! a joyous night turned out to be the most bothersome night. Aisha’s parents called her , said that they’re coming over to pick the three of us. Deme suh kami jalan kaki tunggu depan Jackel which is about 1 kilometre from icity I suppose ? correct me if im wrong J … there's a lot of things yang kite leh usha and enjoy malam2 ni , tapi aku lg suke petang kot ^^ 

credit to mr.blurphotography , ajim :)

suasana malam hari ^^

lovely kids , lined up utk duit raya RM2

Masa kiteorang jalan kaki ni lah masa paling aku sangat senangi ! Haha , it has been a while since the last we had done something like this… kaki kami macam dah naik putus dah since all of us wore high heels . and top up of that ,all of us sangat tinggi dan panjang compared to others, so kepedihan kasut tu kau squared kan lahh ..

Aina : wei .. aku macam ade idea gila lah mase kite tengah walking walking ni kan.. tapi aku tak kesa kalau korang taknak ikut tapi aku tetap nak buat.

Hajar or Aisha ( tak ingat , im turning oldd =.= ) : aku macam dah boleh agak laa…

Aina : jom , tanggal kan the heels. Ahahaha , seriously jom . jalan jauh lagi ni..

Aisha and hajar : haha , aku on ! aku ingat kalau aku sorang memang aku taknak buatlah , tapi since kau pun nak buat.. jomlaaa . sakit dah ni.

And we took off the heels and aku baru perasan kasut aku macam dah rosak kene pedajal ais tadi .. maybe kasut tu tak tahan kot… nevamind aku oppasrah je malam ni.. we walked together and sang Aishiteru by Zivilia Band… we talked about each other.. and then ade la mamat 2,3 ekor kat pejalan kaki tuu.. aku curious sangatt lah dengan depa so …

Aina : weh , jaga beg.. pegang kasut kau kat tangan kanan.. kalau dia buat something , kite cepuk dia dengan kasut ni.. nanti aku bagi penyepak kat penyawa dia.. tautautau !

Aisha : hah , bagus jugak tu , aku pun tak leh nak menyepak sangat ni , kain baju kurung aku ni sekat sekat.. mcam ni hahh ( sambil buat cara tersekat )

Fine la aisha ! hahaha .. alhamdullilah nothing goes wrong and kitorang berjaya sampai ke KFC depan Jackel tu. We looked into each other eyes dengan pandangan “ hoi , KFC lah ! aku dah lapar niiii !! “ and out of sudden …

Aisha : wei , aku ada 5rm je tinggal
Aina : aku ade 2rm..
Hajar: aku ade 2rm jugak..

Hah , cukup lah kot nak beli ape2 yg patut ? hhaha , seriously rasa down to earth gila time tu. .. sapa suruh taknak bawak duit lebih in case of emergency.. I should have called someone kat uitm puncak alam tu lah to ask for help.tapi macam ape jeee pulak rupenye !!. haha , I bet he’s reading this . :P and aisha and I headed  to the counter just when we saw aisha’s parents kat luar kfc. Okay masa dah time , it’s time to go homee ! and kene sentence hokum gantung tak bertali.. if only and if only lah , bateri abang aisha tak mati , aku rasa takkan we all spend out time together walking on the streets and kene marah dengan mak bapak masing2… takpe , aku redha J at the end , we concluded that

Aisha : tu lah , sape suruh tak bagi aisha amek lessen.. kalau tak dah senang dah tadi.. boleh pergi balik drive sendiri.. takde nye jadi masalah la… memang lepas ni aku takkan pergi la …

Aina : hmm , kau nak pergi kau boleh je nak ajak aku beb. Tapi jangan ajak aku selagi aku tak umor 24 tahun and dah ade lessen !

Malam tu aku takut sangat nak balik rumah . tak sanggup nak hadap mak bapak aku yang mesti bengang menonggeng anak dara deme eksyen betul balik tengah malam.. lagi, aku pun takut jugak nak main gelongsor dalam tempat ais tu ( aku ade main ) tapi aku buat jugak sebab aku pun taktau sebab. Aku memang suke adventure… tapi malam tu lain lah. Aku pun takut nak spm , ikutkan hati , nak stay je form 5 without amik spm ..  thinking back, banyak betul benda yang kita takutkan, but I know that eventually I still have to get through it. Every single of it.

Peeps , what a night ! ( nothing much ? sorry J aku excited just sebab kami jalan berkaki ayam dari icity ke jackel XD )

aisha and saye dalam iceeeeeey ~

* the best way to get over your biggest fear is, facing it. I've tried, facing the fear. Take note,  don’t try to not failed miserably. Try to face it J .. 


  1. hahaha... if that was me... then im at Puncak Perdana not Puncak Alam... you should call anyway... I could've picked you all up... risau risau risau risau risau... aishh... hahaha... but I think that was a wonderful experience though... tibe2 jumpa 3 orang awek cunn jalan2 kaki ayam... hahahaha... itu kelakar...

  2. haha LOL isnt ?
    by the way , katekanlah i call you , nak amik naik ape ? bas ? :p
